
trying out hp paint.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Before 2013 gets away from me/us

Hello Dear Reader of December 9, 2013 (and beyond):

It has been awhile since I partook in this particular endeavor. Are blogs passé? I'm not sure...nor do I care. It continues to serve (in its vehicular manner) as a means of transporting my thoughts and ideas to you. Whilst I continue to search for "le job" to keep "le cash" flowing inwards and maintaining a residence, this blog has politely taken the back seat in said vehicle.

Just for the record, I continue to be a good man, and seek out the best in entertainment and fine/modern/contemporary art stimuli. So that I can absorb it into my being and (for lack of a better term) regurgitate it in the form of some painting, drawing, musical noodle (gotta work on those as well) and animated bit (hand-drawn style, thank you very much) for you.

Also, the elusive love muse needs I never set out to make this journey alone.

So, just a quick blog entry to let you know that I still check in, care, and will rev it up again (sooner rather than later).

Cheers. Don't forget to rest and get plenty of fluids.

Over and Out ('til next time),

Your Humbled Warrior for All (Most) Things Good, Proper and Decent,


Thursday, May 9, 2013

2012. A Year That Was...wrapped up (finally).

All righty. Keeping my word (literally). I promised you a 2012 wrap-up and here it is (almost at 2013's midway point). Well, what happened? What exciting news or info to impart, Robert?

2012 was a year in which a lot more work was done on my paintings (many started, many completed, some framed).

2012 was a year in which I continued to look for work (Apply, apply, apply thyself).

2012 was a year in which I continued to look for love (in all the wrong places. I kid, I kid).

2012 was  a year in which I got to see The Rascals (big for me, as I wanted to see them perform live since I was a small kid).

2012 was a year in which doomsday merchants and fear mongers had predicted Earth's demise (again). The Mayan calendar is continued about a mile away from the known location, and gives us at least an extra 1500 years (and then we'll discover where that one relax).

2012 was a year in which I was a vendor (1st time) at the Brooklyn Flea Record Fair (see other post).

2012 saw a presidential election, in which I voted (I always vote btw).

Celebrity gossip, record art auction prices and such continued.

Some fine music, animation and films were released (as usual).

But anyway, enough of 2012. It's in the hands of the historians.

Let them rewrite it, and put the revisionist spin on it.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Pursuant to a convo...

Okay, the 2012 year end wrap up will have to wait. For now, I'd like to write about something that came up as a result of a posting of an artwork image. Rather than post that image (which might actually distract), I thought it better to stick with words (this time). Let me just say that in general, I do not want my artwork fully explained. By "my artwork" that includes artwork, film, poetry and music (either created by me or someone else). I want there to be some mystery to it. I'll gladly accept or point out certain hints and directions the work is pointing in, but I don't want to know everything from the outset. I want to discover it, place my own interpretation on it, be thrilled and perhaps confused by it. When no meaning is placed upon a work, several can be entertained (often at once).

 A tree is a tree is a tree. But, especially if abstraction is involved, it may be more than a tree, or perhaps not even a tree at all. And isn't that what you want from your abstract art? A little mystery? Isn't that more involving? Make the spectator do a little work.

A big thrill for me is when someone tells me what they think I was getting at or depicting in an artwork. Even if they get it totally wrong (of what I intended to convey), I usually just walk away and let 'em go on thinking what they wanted to. Plus, it's entertaining.

Of course, to be honest, some have gotten it so wrong that I've had to steer them in a clearer direction. So in conclusion, in the same way that song lyrics are often misheard, so too can artwork be misunderstood. And we are better as an abstract society for it.